Two days ago I got a phone call from the Spanish department informing me that because of low enrollment I hadn't been assigned any classes to teach next semester. I was stunned. Mostly because we'd been told that we'd hear by Thanksgiving if we'd be teaching or not and since Thanksgiving had come and gone without any news I thought I was good to go. I immediately started feeling nervous and then I was in denial for a little while. Then I started to feel really worried that I had just become unexpectedly unemployed which was followed by feeling sick because I had eaten half a box of doughnut holes to mask my feelings. And then the missionaries came over for dinner (I only left four doughnut holes for them) and after we chatted I felt hopeful and optimistic and that's how I've felt since Tuesday night. I do, however, occasionally feel sad because teaching was my favorite part of the day and I'm really going to miss it. I haven't found a new job yet, but I'm confident that I'll find something I'll enjoy soon.
While there are suddenly a number of uncertainties in my life, what has been bothering me the most is what I'm going to do with all those whiteboard markers I bought that I no longer need. I still plan on putting them to good use.

Twas the night before finals
This week was way hard
All the students remembered
To bring their CatCard
The professor he worked
To get the grades entered
He was hoping for A’s
For all the students he’d mentored
An A would be great,
A B isn’t crumby
A C is fine too,
But D stands for dummy
So go onto D2L
And check your grades twice
Report errors to the professor
That would be nice
I really want to find another awesome job soon, but mostly I just hope all of my students remember to bring their CatCard to the final.