Some of my EFY kids waiting for
something exciting to happen.
17 June 2010, Thursday
During the variety show today a blind girl named Erin Nightingale played a song she wrote on the piano. I was blown away by how beautiful it was. At the end the crowd gave her a standing ovation that she couldn’t see, but that we all felt.
Tonight was the musical fireside and I was really nervous because I know how uplifting it can be and I was worried that my kids wouldn’t prepare themselves for it. They did a great job being reverent and really felt the Spirit. Before the program I was talking with Hayley, the only person from our group in the program, and she was saying that very few people were in the choir. I told her not to worry, that angels would sing with them. And they did.
This next entry was after EFY when I was teaching Spanish at BYU. I think the reason this entry touched me so much is that it's nice when others tell you that everything will be okay, but it's better to hear it from from yourself (well, a younger version of yourself).
29 June 2010, Tuesday
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